by Prof Sashirekha V
Hello, Everyone trust all are doing good….
Self-confidence is a great virtue of man. It is a very important aspect for an individual. An individual becomes complete only if he has self-confidence within him. Many people lack the self-confidence and self-esteem needed to live a happy and healthy life. This is very important for each one of us.
I would like to share this small story with you all, which I always tell to my students whenever I feel I need to boost their confidence.
The story goes like this…. The nest of young Eagles hung on every word as the Master Eagle described to the young ones to build self-confidence.
Self-confidence building is required for many of them to fulfill their destiny.
It was an important day for all the Eaglets. They were all preparing for their first solo flights from the nest.
“How far can I travel? “Asked one of the Eaglet.
“How far can you see?” Responded the Master Eagle.
“How high can I fly?” Quizzed the young Eaglet.
“How far can you stretch your wings?” asked the old, wiser Eagle.
“How Long can I Fly?” another Eaglet persisted.
How far is the horizon?” the Mentor rebounded
“How much should I dream?” asked another Eaglet.
How much can you dream?” smiled the older Eagle
“How much can I achieve?” the young Eaglet continued
“How much can you believe?” the old Eaglet challenged
Frustrated by the replies from the Mentor, the young Eaglet demanded- “Why don’t you answer our questions.
The reply from master Eagle was “I Did Answer all your questions “actually, I answered all of them to my best I could.
The irritated and confused eaglets said. But you’re the Master Eagle and you are supposed to know everything. If you can’t answer our questions then, who will?
“Each of YOU”, replied to the Master Eagle
“Each of US”, the Eaglets responded in with confusion.
Then the Master Eagle said – “No one can tell you how high to fly or how much to dream.
It’s different for each of you. Only GOD & YOU know your potential. You alone will answer all these questions. The only thing that can limit you Allis lack of self-confidence & Self-esteem.
Immediately all the Eaglets screamed in chorus “What should we do?”
Hope this little story will imbibe a lesson on building SELF-CONFIDENCE in each of us, which I feel is very important for each of us.
Thanks & will catch-up soon